Nice to meet you
It is a Suzuki Pro InStyle (InStyle Pro) representative.
Our life color reigns in the normal manner.
Suddenly mindful eye color conscious, try to observe.
It has various effects, including not only to enrich people's lives is the beautiful colors we can explore the depths of the heart, in-store camera color induction unconsciously, to purchase.
Our is to convey aspects of its color Communicator, and
And take full advantage of the power of color as a business strategy clients like (companies and individuals) of conducts color planning perspective.
The main business of InStyle Pro
And transfer know-how for our branding Department, regardless of gender, health and outer beauty in person, become pillars of personal branding
Support and suggestions ranging from "personal color diagnosis" to "coordination" and "make-up" shokuiku.
2001Years experience as a color consultant for many years
In addition to the
Partnership and LLC Bell pen work at her husband
Color planning of real estate
(Color planning of Interior & exterior paint condominiums and rental apartments, stores, offices, factories, etc) are gone.
"Rin pen co., Ltd."
Construction paint
Shop signs design, production and construction
Outside construction
As a pioneer of the renovation
It is a design and construction company founded more than 50 years of experience with innovation.
This partner's smooth coordination and
Can also accept color planning by sensibilities as women as well as you'd like, so please feel free to consult.
Clients like the we are making to help reduce costs.
Going forward we will welcome more people to go forward.
Please thank you.
It is a Suzuki Pro InStyle (InStyle Pro) representative.
Our life color reigns in the normal manner.
Suddenly mindful eye color conscious, try to observe.
It has various effects, including not only to enrich people's lives is the beautiful colors we can explore the depths of the heart, in-store camera color induction unconsciously, to purchase.
Our is to convey aspects of its color Communicator, and
And take full advantage of the power of color as a business strategy clients like (companies and individuals) of conducts color planning perspective.
The main business of InStyle Pro
And transfer know-how for our branding Department, regardless of gender, health and outer beauty in person, become pillars of personal branding
Support and suggestions ranging from "personal color diagnosis" to "coordination" and "make-up" shokuiku.
2001Years experience as a color consultant for many years
In addition to the
Partnership and LLC Bell pen work at her husband
Color planning of real estate
(Color planning of Interior & exterior paint condominiums and rental apartments, stores, offices, factories, etc) are gone.
"Rin pen co., Ltd."
Construction paint
Shop signs design, production and construction
Outside construction
As a pioneer of the renovation
It is a design and construction company founded more than 50 years of experience with innovation.
This partner's smooth coordination and
Can also accept color planning by sensibilities as women as well as you'd like, so please feel free to consult.
Clients like the we are making to help reduce costs.
Going forward we will welcome more people to go forward.
Please thank you.
InStyle pro
On behalf of
On behalf of
Qualification |
Business Overview |
★ consulting for individuals and businesses
Personal color diagnosis and styling
Image up consultant
Therapy session
★ seminars, lectures, corporate trainers
School business(InStyle Academy and large adult school)
Makeup artist training & staffing
Personal color analyst training and school
★ lectures and writings, edited by
Health-related sales ★
★ color planning of facilities, buildings
Color planning of real estate
Sale / rent (apartment), stores, offices and factories
Interior color planning
★ color marketing
Product color & colour design
CI (corporate color), business cards, HP, and advertising in general color supervisor
Signage design, production and construction
Painting in general construction
★ consulting for individuals and businesses
Personal color diagnosis and styling
Image up consultant
Therapy session
★ seminars, lectures, corporate trainers
School business(InStyle Academy and large adult school)
Makeup artist training & staffing
Personal color analyst training and school
★ lectures and writings, edited by
Health-related sales ★
★ color planning of facilities, buildings
Color planning of real estate
Sale / rent (apartment), stores, offices and factories
Interior color planning
★ color marketing
Product color & colour design
CI (corporate color), business cards, HP, and advertising in general color supervisor
Signage design, production and construction
Painting in general construction
[Member main]
Pro InStyle (InStyle Pro) representative
Co., Ltd. Lin Pen Board of Directors
(Architectural painting advertising billboards design production company)
・ヒューマンアカデミー静岡駅前校 カラー全般、メイク講師
・総合学園ヒューマンアカデミー静岡校(全日制) 色彩学講師
Municipal elementary and junior high home education classroom color,Beauty,Department of food
ICD international color design Association certified instructors
・一般社団法人 JMA 1級メイク認定講師
TC color certified instructor TC trainer
-Sensation-system teaching